FAQs: C304™–2024, Request for Consultant’s Qualifications


AIA Document C304–2024 enables any “Requester” (such as an owner, architect, or contractor) to formally invite consultants to submit their qualifications using the C305–2024 form. The document allows for customization, with options in Article 3 for additional information requirements, page limits, and attachments to tailor submissions. C304–2024 centralizes and structures consultant qualification requests.

Who can be the Requester?

A “Requester” may be any person preparing and inviting consultants to submit the C305™–2024, Consultant’s Qualification Statement (e.g., an owner, architect, or contractor). To the extent that the Requester is not the Owner, the Owner’s information should be entered into Section 1.2 of C304-2024.

What if the Requester wants consultants to provide more information beyond what the C305-2024 form requires?

Article 3 of C304-2024 allows requesters to list attachments pertaining to the request for qualifications and stipulate page limits and other requirements related to the C305-2024 submittal.

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