FAQs: B304™–2024, Request for Architect’s Qualifications



AIA Document B304-2024 enables requesters, like owners or contractors, to invite architects to submit qualifications via B305-2021. It allows the requester to specify additional information, page limits, and submission requirements to evaluate architects for project suitability.


Who can be the Requester?

A “Requester” may be any person preparing and inviting architects to submit the B305™–2021, Architect’s Qualification Statement (e.g., an owner, architect, or contractor). To the extent that the Requester is not the Owner, the Owner’s information should be entered into Section 1.2 of B304-2024.

What if the Requester wants architects to provide more information beyond what the B305-2021 form requires?

Article 3 of B304-2024 allows requesters to list attachments pertaining to the request for qualifications and stipulate page limits and other requirements related to the B305-2021 submittal.

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