Instructions: F706™–2024, Request for Information (RFI)


Instructions for F706-2024 Request for Information (RFI) explains how to complete the AIA Document F706™–2024, which is a standard form for requesting information regarding maintenance activities on a facility. It includes details on identifying names, firm names, and addresses, describing the facility, inserting the issue date and requested reply date, and fully describing the question or type of information requested. It also covers referencing or attaching relevant information and providing a recommended solution if applicable.


AIA Document F706™–2024 is intended to provide a standard form for an owner, maintenance contractor, facility manager, property manager, or other party to request information from each other regarding maintenance activities on a Facility. The RFI is used to obtain information that requesting party cannot obtain through research, document review, or other reasonable means. RFI’s should be numbered, logged, and tracked through a document management logging system.

Related Documents.

AIA Contract Document F706 is part of the Facility Management family of documents, which consists of the following documents:      

F101™-2023, Master Maintenance Agreement

F201™-2023, Work Order for As-Needed Maintenance Work

F202™-2023, Work Order for Ongoing Maintenance Work

F102™-2023, Maintenance Agreement for As Needed Maintenance Work 

F103™-2023, Maintenance Agreement for Ongoing Maintenance Work 

F104™-2024, Purchase Order

F301™-2024, Standard Form of Agreement Between Client and Consultant

F311™-2024, Standard Form of Consultant’s Services: Facility Condition Assessment

F701™-2023, Amendment to a Maintenance Agreement or Work Order Contract

F702™-2023, Invoice for Maintenance Work

F703™-2023, Request for Certificate of Insurance

F704™-2023, Status Report for Maintenance Work

F705™-2024, Authorization to Proceed with Early Release Work

F706™-2024, Request for Information (RFI)

When to Use / Purpose.

F706 can be used by an owner, maintenance contractor, facility manager, property manager, or other party to request information from each other regarding maintenance activities on Facility.

Instructions. Completing F706-2024.

To/From. Identify names, firm names, and addresses.

Facility. Identify the name and address of the Facility to which the request for information pertains.

Issue Date. Insert the date the RFI is sent.

Requested Reply Date. Indicate the date the information is required in accordance with the contract or by reasonable expectation.

RFI Description. Fully describe the question or type of information requested using references to related documents or physical descriptions as may be necessary.

Reference/Attachments. Refer to or attach relevant information such as a drawing, specification, or material researched.

Sender’s Recommendation. If the sender is seeking a solution or answer to a site or maintenance condition, the sender may include a recommended solution based on the sender’s expertise and the options available, including any known effects on cost or schedule.

Receiver’s Response. Provide an answer to the RFI, or enclose specifically requested information such as schedules or pricing data. Include any known effects on cost or schedule.


Use of Non-AIA Forms. If a combination of AIA contract documents and non-AIA contract documents is to be used, particular care must be taken to achieve consistency of language and intent among documents.

Reproductions. This document is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of ACD Operations, LLC. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce this document. For more information, see the document footer and the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service.

Modifications. Particularly with respect to professional or contractor licensing laws, building codes, taxes, monetary and interest charges, arbitration, indemnification, format and font size, AIA Contract Documents may require modification to comply with state or local laws. Users are encouraged to consult an attorney before completing or modifying a document.

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