Instructions for F104™ – 2024, Purchase Order explains that AIA Document F104–2024 is a purchase order intended for situations where a Purchaser will buy goods from a Vendor. It is an agreement for the sale of goods, governed by the law of the place where the Facility is located, including the jurisdiction’s Uniform Commercial Code as adopted. The document allows the parties to enter a description of the goods, identify the price and payment terms, and add delivery requirements.
AIA Document F104™–2024 is a purchase order that is intended for situations where a Purchaser will buy goods from a Vendor. F104 is an agreement for the sale of goods and is governed by the law of the place where the Facility is located, including the jurisdiction’s Uniform Commercial Code as adopted. F104 can be used to buy nearly any kind of goods for use in a Facility, including furniture, office equipment and supplies, and appliances. In F104, the Vendor is responsible for selling goods to the Purchaser and, unless otherwise agreed, delivering the goods to the Facility identified in the Purchase Order. F104 allows the parties to enter a description of the goods, identify the price and payment terms, and add delivery requirements. In situations where the Vendor will perform onsite work, such as assembly or installation, the parties should use a different agreement, such as an owner/contractor agreement or A151™–2019, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Vendor for Furniture, Furnishings, and Equipment (FF&E), as appropriate. F104 is drafted to be used in conjunction with F104™–2024, Exhibit A, Terms and Conditions.
Related Documents.
AIA Contract Document F104 is part of the Facility Management family of documents, which consists of the following documents:
F101™-2023, Master Maintenance Agreement
F201™-2023, Work Order for As-Needed Maintenance Work
F202™-2023, Work Order for Ongoing Maintenance Work
F102™-2023, Maintenance Agreement for As Needed Maintenance Work
F103™-2023, Maintenance Agreement for Ongoing Maintenance Work
F104™-2024, Purchase Order
F301™-2024, Standard Form of Agreement Between Client and Consultant
F311™-2024, Standard Form of Consultant’s Services: Facility Condition Assessment
F701™-2023, Amendment to a Maintenance Agreement or Work Order Contract
F702™-2023, Invoice for Maintenance Work
F703™-2023, Request for Certificate of Insurance
F704™-2023, Status Report for Maintenance Work
F705™-2024, Authorization to Proceed with Early Release Work
F706™-2024, Request for Information (RFI)
When to Use / Purpose.
F104 can be used to buy nearly any kind of goods for use in a Facility, including furniture, office equipment and supplies, and appliances. In F104, the Vendor is responsible for selling goods to the Purchaser and, unless otherwise agreed, delivering the goods to the Facility identified in the Purchase Order.
Instructions. Completing F104-2024.
Purchaser and Vendor. The Purchaser and Vendor should be identified using the full address and legal name under which the Purchase Order is to be executed, including a designation of the legal status of both parties (sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, limited partnership or corporation [general, limited liability, closed or professional], etc.). Where appropriate, a copy of the resolution authorizing the individual to act on behalf of the firm or entity should be attached. Other information may be added, such as telephone numbers and electronic addresses.
Facility. The Facility should be described in sufficient detail to identify (1) the official name or title of the facility and (2) its location.
Purchase Order Information. Insert the Purchase Order number, if any, and the date of the Purchase Order
Identification of Goods. Insert a list of goods to be provided by the Vendor, including details for identification and quantities for each, or identify a separate exhibit that includes such information.
Price. Insert the price the Purchaser is to pay the Vendor, including amounts for taxes, duties, tariffs, handling charges, delivery, and incidental services. Identify unit prices, if applicable.
Payments. Insert payment terms, such as payment due dates, deposit requirements, and discounts, if any. The Terms and Conditions in Exhibit A state that “when payment is due pursuant to the payment terms in the Purchase Order, the Vendor shall submit to the Purchaser an itemized invoice supported by data substantiating the Vendor’s right to payment.”
Delivery. Unless otherwise indicated, the Vendor is required to deliver the goods to the Facility listed in the Purchase Order. Insert additional delivery requirements, such as delivery date or range of dates, hours of delivery, split delivery, inside delivery, unpackaging, or receiving instructions.
Contract Documents
A detailed enumeration of all Contract Documents must be made in this section.
The persons executing AIA Document F104 should indicate the capacity in which they are acting (i.e., president, secretary, partner, etc.) and the authority under which they are executing the Purchase Order. Where appropriate, a copy of the resolution authorizing the individual to act on behalf of the firm or entity should be attached.
Use of Non-AIA Forms. If a combination of AIA contract documents and non-AIA contract documents is to be used, particular care must be taken to achieve consistency of language and intent among documents.
Reproductions. This document is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of ACD Operations, LLC. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce this document. For more information, see the document footer and the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service.
Modifications. Particularly with respect to professional or contractor licensing laws, building codes, taxes, monetary and interest charges, arbitration, indemnification, format and font size, AIA Contract Documents may require modification to comply with state or local laws. Users are encouraged to consult an attorney before completing or modifying a document.