Summary: G715™–2017, Supplemental Attachment for ACORD Certificate of Insurance 25





Changes from the previous edition



AIA Document G715–2017 is intended for use in adopting ACORD Form 25 to certify contractor insurance coverages required under standard form AIA agreements. Because the ACORD certificate does not have space to show all coverages required in standard form AIA agreements, the Supplemental Attachment form should be completed, signed by the contractor’s insurance representative, and attached to the ACORD certificate. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions »



The Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development (ACORD) form certificate is widely used to certify the coverage required of contractors under the terms of standard form AIA agreements. Because the ACORD certificate does not have space to show all the coverages required in standard form AIA agreements, the Supplemental Attachment form should be completed, signed by the Contractor’s insurance representative, and attached to the ACORD certificate.


Changes from the previous edition. 

G715-2017 contains a revised information block to identify the Project, Contract, Owner, Architect, Contractor, and information relevant to the certificate of insurance. G715-2017 was updated to be coordinated with the Insurance and Bonds Exhibit, which is part of several of the 2017 AIA owner-contractor agreements. G715-2017 was also updated take into consideration changes in the 2016 version of ACORD Certificate of Insurance 25.

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