A quick overview of "G716™–2004, Request for Information (RFI)". Learn about Related documents, Changes from previous edition, and dispute Resolution from G716.
AIA Document G716–2004 provides a standard form for an owner, architect, and contractor to request further information from each other during construction. The form asks the requesting party to list the relevant drawing, specification or submittal reviewed in attempting to find the information. Neither the request nor the response received provides authorization for work that increases the cost or time of the project. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions »
AIA Document G716–2004 is intended to provide a standard form for an owner, architect, contractor or other party to request information from each other during construction. The RFI is utilized to obtain information that the requesting party cannot obtain through research, document review, or other reasonable means. A RFI that is already contained or provided for in the contract documents may result in additional administrative charges. RFI’s should be numbered, logged and tracked through a document management logging system.