Summary: G704™–2017, Certificate of Substantial Completion


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G704™–2017, Certificate of Substantial Completion

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AIA Document G704–2017 is a standard form for recording the date of substantial completion of the work or a designated portion thereof. The contractor prepares a list of items to be completed or corrected following substantial completion, and the architect verifies and amends this list. If the architect finds that the work is substantially complete, the form is prepared for acceptance by the contractor and the owner, and the list of items to be completed or corrected is attached. In G704, the parties agree on the time allowed for completion or correction of outstanding items; the date when the owner will occupy the work or designated portion thereof; and a description of responsibilities for maintenance, heat, utilities, and insurance. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions  »

Note: The AIA does not publish a standard schedule of values form.



AIA Document G704™ was developed to establish the date of Substantial Completion for the purpose of commencement of applicable warranties and to allow the Owner to occupy or utilize the Work or designated portion thereof.    


This document was prepared for use under the terms of AIA Document A201®, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction; and under the general conditions contained in AIA Documents A104™ and A105™.


Changes to the previous edition.

G704-2017 includes a revised information block to identify the Project, Contract, Owner, Architect, Contractor, and information relevant to the Certificate of Substantial Completion. G704-2017 was reorganized so the Architect can sign the form, and include the date of Substantial Completion, immediately after the description of the Work the Architect is certifying. Also, the paragraph regarding warranties was updated to clarify that warranties commence on the date of Substantial Completion unless the parties indicate otherwise in this form.

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