Summary: A310™–2010, Bid Bond


A quick overview of "A310™–2010, Bid Bond". Learn about Related documents, Changes from previous edition, and dispute Resolution from A310. 





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AIA Document A310–2010, a simple, one-page form, establishes the maximum penal amount that may be due to the owner if the selected bidder fails to execute the contract or fails to provide any required performance and payment bonds. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions »



AIA Document A310–2010 establishes the maximum penal amount that may be due the Owner if the Bidder fails to execute the contract and to provide the required performance and payment bonds, if any. It provides assurance that, if a bidder is offered a contract based on its tendered proposal but fails to enter into the contract, the Owner will be paid the difference in cost to award the contract to the next qualified bidder, so long as the difference does not exceed the maximum penal amount of the bond.

Note: A310–2010 replaces AIA Document A310–1970, which expired on December 31, 2011.


A310 is not incorporated by reference into other AIA documents. For further reference on bonding procedures, see AIA Document A701™, Instructions to Bidders; and AIA Document G612™, Owner’s Instructions to Architect.


Changes from the previous edition.

In addition to generally updated language, A310–2010 adds language allowing the owner and contractor to extend the period of acceptance of the contractor’s bid for up to 60 days without obtaining the surety’s consent. A310–2010 also adds language allowing subcontractors to use A310–2010 when a bid bond is required by the contractor.

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