Organizing, sharing and printing draft documents


This article explains document management functions in ACD5, including options under the "More Options" link like commenting, creating custom templates, downloading, printing, renaming, moving, copying, and deleting documents. It covers sharing for review with tracking changes, email sharing, and collaboration controls, including managing reviewer access and tracking review progress.


A number of document management functions are grouped under the More Options link in the project or sub folder documents list. Holding the cursor over the link displays a pop-up menu of the available options for the document.

The Customize as TemplateMove, and Delete functions are disabled for documents that have been shared for review (status of “In Collaboration”).



  1. Click the Comment link. The Document Comments dialog is displayed.

  2. Type your comment in the Comments text box, and click OK.


Customize As Template

You can create a custom template by changing the text in either an existing template or in a draft document and saving the edited document for reuse in your projects. Refer to Creating a Custom Template for more information.



This function allows you to download a copy of the document to your computer for offline editing.

  1. Click the Download link.

  2. The File Download dialog will prompt you to open or save the document in the appropriate program (Word for working drafts; Excel for form drafts; Adobe Acrobat for checked drafts and final documents).

  3. Select the appropriate option to open or save the document.



  1. Click the Print link.

  2. The File Download dialog will prompt you to open or save the document in the appropriate program (Word for working drafts; Excel for form drafts; Adobe Acrobat for checked drafts and final documents).

  3. Select the appropriate option to open or save the document.



  1. Click the Rename link.

  2. The Rename Document dialog will display the current file name.

  3. Type your changes to the file name and click OK.



  1. Click the Move link.

  2. The Move Document dialog is displayed, showing a tree of projects and subfolders.

  3. Expand the tree, if necessary, and select the location where you want to move the file.

  4. Click OK.



  1. Click the Copy link.

  2. The Copy Document dialog is displayed, showing a tree of projects and subfolders.

  3. Expand the tree, if necessary, and select the location where you want to copy the file.

  4. Click OK.



  1. Click the Delete link.

  2. When the confirmation message “Are you sure you want to delete the document “[document_name]”?”” is displayed, click OK.



This function allows you to download a copy of the document to your computer for offline editing.

  1. Click the Email link. A new e-mail message opens with the selected document automatically attached.

  2. Select the recipients from your contacts or from the project distribution list. You can also type the e-mail address if a recipient is not in your contacts or distribution list.

  3. Type the subject and your message in the spaces provided.

  4. Click Send. An e-mail will be sent to all recipients with the document attached.

  • For working drafts, the document is automatically converted to Word DOCX format.

  • For form drafts, the document is automatically converted to Excel XLSX format.

  • Checked drafts and final documents will be sent in PDF format.


Share for Review

This function allows you to collaborate on a draft with your colleagues by sending an email containing a system-generated link to the document to your specified reviewers. The reviewers can make their changes on the draft in track changes as well as view other reviewers’ changes.

This link changes to Review Status for documents that have been sent out for review.

Working draft documents (all A, B, and C series documents) are generated with Track Changes turned on by default and each reviewer’s changes are indicated by a different color. After collaborators have completed their reviews, holding your mouse cursor over a change in the document will display a pop-up showing the e-mail address of the author of the most recent change to that text, the date and time of the change, and the nature of the change.

Note: Only four colors are available for tracking of changes. If you are sending a document for review by more than four collaborators, the colors will be reused.

Form drafts can be shared in the same way as working draft agreements , and with very few exceptions, only the data in the fillpoints can be changed. Changes are indicated by yellow highlight. After collaborators have completed their reviews, holding your mouse cursor over a change will display a pop-up showing e-mail address of the author of the most recent change and the original value.


To share a document for review:

You can share a document with collaborators in either of two ways:

  • From the documents list by clicking the More Actions link for the document and selecting Share for Review from the popup menu.
  • From within the document in the editing window by clicking the Share for Review button on the sidebar.

When the Share for Review dialog opens:

  1. Verify the subject and message body and make any changes needed.
  2. Use the Select from Distribution List and Select from Contacts links to select recipients from your project team and contacts. You can also type e-mail addresses for other recipients.
  3. Select the Review Expiration Date using the date picker to specify a completion date for the review.
  4. Click Send when finished.
  5. An e-mail will be sent to each reviewer containing a unique encrypted link that they may use to access the online document to perform their reviews.

A few important notes about sharing documents for review:

  • If the Author has enabled track changes to track their edits, the system provides the invited reviewer(s) a copy where all the edits noted in the track changes have been accepted.
  • Each Share for Review invitation as appended with a PDF formatted variance checked copy of the Author’s draft.
  • If the Author has invited multiple reviewers to review the document, and where there are edits by multiple reviewers on the same text in the Author’s document, the system will only show the last reviewer’s edits.


When the reviewers receive the emailed invitation, they begin the review process by:

  1. Clicking the encrypted link provided in the e-mail
  2. Reviewing and accepting the terms of use to access the document
  3. Reviewing and editing the document
  4. Clicking Save to save changes
  5. Clicking Check In to save changes and make the document available to other reviewers

Note: Only one reviewer can access the shared file at a time. Clicking Check In or Done makes the document available to other reviewers. Reviewers may not reopen the document after clicking Done.


Tracking the progress of a document review and cancelling sharing:

When a document is shared for review, it is listed in your project documents with a status of In Review. Clicking the link displays the Review Status dialog, showing the name of the document, the review start and end dates, the e-mail addresses of the reviewers, the status of their reviews, and their most recent activity date.

  • If you want to end the review for any reason, click the End Collaboration button. An email alert will be sent to those who have not completed their review letting them know that the review period has ended.

  • Clicking OK closes the dialog.


Tracking changes in shared documents:

AIA Contract Document’s collaboration editor (agreements) offers users online track changes.  As the online track changes functionality extends one level only, however, please note the following when using the “Share for Review” feature:

  • If the Author has enabled track changes to track their edits, the system provides the invited reviewer a copy where all the edits noted in the track changes have been accepted.
  • Each Share for Review invitation as appended with a PDF formatted variance checked copy of the Author’s draft.
  • If the Author has invited multiple reviewers to review the document, and where there are edits by multiple reviewers on the same text in the Author’s document, the system will only show the last reviewer’s edits.
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