Resetting Password


This article outlines the steps to reset your password on Catina, including receiving a verification code via email and setting a new password with specific security requirements.

To reset your password:

      1. Navigate to
      2. In the upper right-hand corner, select “Sign In/ Sign Up Option.
      3. On the sign in page, select “Forgot Password?” to begin the process of resetting your password.
      4. You will begin by Inputting your email address to get a Verification code.
      5. Once you receive the verification code via email (your ACD registered email), you will input that verification pin number so that you your account is authenticated.
      6. You will then be able to reset your password. We suggest using 1 Lower case, 1 Upper case, 1 Number, and 1 Special character with at least 8 characters as a password minimum.
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