AIA Document B112™–2022 is a standard form of agreement between Owner and Architect of Record intended for use in situations where an Architect of Record will prepare, sign, and seal construction documents for a project and perform construction contract administration services. B112–2022 assumes that the Owner will retain a Design Architect to establish the design intent of the project. B112-2022 also assumes that the Owner will retain third parties to provide cost estimates and project schedules. B112-2022 is part of the following set of documents that are intended for projects involving a design architect and an architect of record.
B111™-2022, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Design Architect
B111™-2022, Exhibit A, Design Architect Services
B112™-2022, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect of Record
B112™-2022, Exhibit A, Architect of Record Services
B511™-2022, Guide for Projects Involving a Design Architect and Architect of Record
E205™-2022, Architects’ Scope and Responsibility Matrix
B112-2022 does not contain a full scope of services and must be paired with E205-2022 or B112-2022, Exhibit A to form a complete contract. E205-2022 should be used in situations where the architects will provide services concurrently, i.e. where the architects work collaboratively and there is some degree of layering of the architects’ services. Alternatively, B112-2022, Exhibit A should be used in situations where the architects perform their services consecutively and there is a hard transfer of responsibility between the Design Architect and Architect of Record at a predetermined milestone. Refer to AIA Document B511-2022, Guide for Projects Involving a Design Architect and Architect of Record for more information.
For use and execution of a document, see its instructions »
Related Documents.
B112-2022 is part of the following set of documents that are intended for projects involving a Design Architect and an Architect of Record.
B111™-2022, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Design Architect
B111™-2022, Exhibit A, Design Architect Services
B112™-2022, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect of Record
B112™-2022, Exhibit A, Architect of Record Services
B511™-2022, Guide for Projects Involving a Design Architect and Architect of Record
E205™-2022, Architects’ Scope and Responsibility Matrix