FAQs: B121™– 2018, Standard Form of Master Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Services provided under Multiple Service Orders


AIA B121™–2018 is a Master Agreement that allows an architect to perform multiple scopes of services through separate service orders. It includes common terms and conditions for all service orders but does not define the architect’s scope of services, which is specified in each individual Service Order (AIA B221™–2018). B121–2018, when used with a completed Service Order, forms a valid contract for the specified scope of services.


Does the AIA publish a Master Agreement that allows an architect to perform multiple scopes of services through the use of separate service orders? 

Yes, AIA Document B121–2018, Standard Form of Master Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Services provided under Multiple Service Orders, is a Master Agreement that allows multiple scopes of services to be added using AIA Document B221™–2018, Service Order for use with Master Agreement Between Owner and Architect.


Is B121–2018 a stand-alone agreement?

No, AIA Document B121–2018 only includes the common terms and conditions that will be applicable to all Service Orders executed under the Master Agreement. B121–2018 when used with a completed Service Order, like AIA Document B221–2018, forms a valid contract for the scope or services described in the Service Order.


What is the Architect’s scope of services under B121–2018?

AIA Document B121–2018 does not include an Architect’s scope of services. The Architect’s scope of services should be described in AIA Document B221–2018, Service Order for use with Master Agreement Between Owner and Architect.


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