The main differences between A105-2017 and A105-2007 include updates to better reflect the document’s use for less complex projects. The title has been changed to “Standard Short Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor.” The 2017 version allows contractors to request proof of the owner’s financial arrangements before starting work. It also includes a checkbox for selecting the substantial completion date, expanded insurance requirements, and provisions for email notifications.
To better reflect that A105–2017 is intended to be used on less complex projects, where use of a short form of contract may be appropriate, the title has been changed from Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for a Residential or Small Commercial Project to Standard Short Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor. Additional changes to the document include:
AIA Document A105™–2017 now allows the contractor to request proof that the owner has made the necessary financial arrangements to fulfill its obligations under the Contract. The contractor is not obligated to commence the Work until evidence that financial arrangements have been made is provided.
A checkbox has been added so that the parties can select whether Substantial Completion of the entire Work will be achieved no later than a specified calendar date or within a certain number of days from the date of commencement.
The insurance section has been expanded and modified to track the insurance requirements set forth in the other 2017 Owner-Contractor Agreements.