Summary: B207™–2017, Standard Form of Architect’s Services for On-Site Project Representation





Changes from the previous edition



AIA Document B207–2017 establishes the architect’s scope of services when the architect provides an on-site project representative during a project’s construction phase. B207 provides for agreement on the number of architect’s representatives to be stationed at the project site, a schedule for the on-site representation, and the services that the on-site representative will perform. 

The on-site representative’s services include attending job-site meetings, monitoring the contractor’s construction schedule, observing systems and equipment testing, preparing a log of activities at the site, and maintaining on-site records. The owner will provide an on-site office for the architect’s on-site representative. B207 is a scope of services document only and may not be used as a stand-alone owner/architect agreement. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions  »



AIA Document B207–2017 provides the Architect’s scope of services for On-Site Project Representation in a standard form that the Owner and Architect can modify to suit the needs of the Project. B207–2017 is not a stand-alone document and to become effective it must be incorporated into an owner-architect agreement where the architect provides construction administration services. It may be incorporated into any owner-architect agreement when the agreement is executed or used with AIA Document G802™–2017, Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, to create a modification to any owner-architect agreement.


Changes from the previous edition.

B207-2017 replaces B207-2008, Standard Form of Architect’s Services: On-Site Project Representation. B207–2017 follows the format and terminology used in the 2017 editions of the following standard form owner-architect agreements: AIA Documents B101™–2017, B102™–2017, B103™–2017, and B104™–2017. 

B207-2017 allows the Owner and Architect to establish the scope of the On-Site Project Representative’s authority to act on behalf of the Architect. B207-2017 also includes enhanced and clarified responsibilities for the On-Site Project Representative to (1) keep a daily log of site activities, (2) prepare monthly written progress reports, (3) perform certain off-site activities, and (4) observe on-site tests and inspections.

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