Summary: B205™–2017, Standard Form of Architect’s Services for Historic Preservation





Changes from the previous edition



B205 establishes duties and responsibilities where the architect provides services for projects that are historically sensitive. The range of services the architect provides under this scope can span the life of the project and may require the architect to be responsible for preliminary surveys, applications for tax incentives, nominations for landmark status, analysis of historic finishes, and other services specific to historic preservation projects. 

B205 may be used in two ways: (1) incorporated into the owner/architect agreement as the architect’s sole scope of services or in conjunction with other scope of services document, or (2) attached to AIA Document G802™–2017, Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, to create a modification to an existing owner/architect agreement. B205–2017 is a scope of services document only and may not be used as a stand-alone owner/architect agreement. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions  »



AIA Document B205–2017 provides the Architect’s scope of services for Historic Preservation in a standard form that the Owner and Architect can modify to suit the needs of the Project. It is not a fixed scope of services but is instead a menu of services from which the parties may select. B205–2017 is not a stand-alone document and to become effective it must be incorporated into an owner-architect agreement. It may be used with AIA Document B102™–2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect, to provide the Architect’s sole scope of services, or with B102–2017 in conjunction with other standard form services documents. It may also be incorporated into any owner-architect agreement when the agreement is executed or used with AIA Document G802–2017, Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, to create a modification to any owner-architect agreement.


Changes from the previous edition.

B205-2017 replaces B205-2007, Standard Form of Architect’s Services: Historic Preservation. B205-2017 follows the format and terminology used in the 2017 editions of the following standard form owner-architect agreements: AIA Documents B101™–2017, B102™–2017, B103™–2017, and B104™–2017.

The Architect’s historic preservation services in B205-2017 were reorganized into four categories – (1) Historic Assessment, (2) Existing Buildings Assessment, (3) Preservation Planning, and (4) Specific State and Federal Services. These categories align with the typical chronology of services an Architect might provide on a Project with historically significant buildings or features. The Existing Buildings Assessment services were revised so that the Architect can provide a preliminary evaluation of the site’s historic buildings and then provide more detailed services as necessary. B205-2017 also clarifies the Architect’s responsibility regarding hazardous materials on a Project with historically significant buildings or features.

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