Summary: C201™ – 2015, Standard Form of Consultant’s Services for Land Survey





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AIA Document C201–2015 establishes the duties and responsibilities of a surveyor when hired as a consultant to a property owner. C201-2015 allows the users to select between a boundary, topographic, and ALTA/ACSM survey. A boundary survey shows the property’s boundary lines, easements, structures, fences, walls, setback requirements, and zoning classification. A topographic survey, which is often procured as an enhancement of a boundary survey, shows the property’s contours, elevations, utilities, and significant vegetation. If the parties select an ALTA/ACSM survey, the surveyor will perform a survey in accordance with ALTA/ACSM Standards in addition to C201’s boundary survey requirements. C201–2015 is a scope of services document only and may not be used as a stand-alone agreement. C201-2015 is intended to be attached as an exhibit to AIA Document C103™–2015, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Consultant without a Predefined Scope of Consultant’s Services. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions  » 



AIA Document C201™–2015 establishes the duties and responsibilities of a Surveyor when hired as a consultant to an Owner. The C201 allows the users to select between a Boundary, Topographical, and ALTA/ACSM Survey. A Boundary Survey shows the property’s boundary lines, easements, structures, fences, walls, setback requirements, and zoning classification. A Topographical Survey, which is often procured as an enhancement of a Boundary Survey, shows the property’s contours, elevations, utilities, and significant vegetation. If the parties select an ALTA/ACSM Survey, the Surveyor will perform a survey in accordance with ALTA/ACSM Standards in addition to the Boundary Survey requirements. The Owner should consult with the Architect to determine the extent of surveying services required for the Project.


C201–2015 is a scope of services document only and cannot be used as a stand-alone agreement. C201-2015 is intended to be attached as an exhibit to AIA Document C103–2015, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Consultant without a Predefined Scope of Consultant’s Services.


Changes from the previous edition.

Changes in Format

C201-2015 replaces G601™–1994, Request for Proposal – Land Survey. G601-1994 was intended to be used as a request for proposals document, which forms an agreement between the Owner and Surveyor when signed by both parties. C201-2015 no longer uses the request for proposal approach and it has been restructured to more accurately reflect current practice in the procurement of land surveying services. C201-2015 is intended to form an agreement between the Owner and Surveyor when attached as an exhibit to C103-2015, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Consultant without a Predefined Scope of Consultant’s Services.

Changes in Content

§ 2.1.4 (no former section) Language was added to clarify the Surveyor’s obligation to conduct research in order to satisfy the Boundary and Topographical Survey requirements contained in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. The research obligations stated in this section are intended to be consistent with the Surveyor’s standard of care.

§ 2.1.5 (no former section) G601-1994 allows the parties to select Boundary or Topographical Survey requirements by checking a box next to each service description. C201-2015 does not contain a checkbox for each service. Rather, the parties have the option to choose between an entire list of boundary and topographical survey requirements, or both, in Section 2.1.5. C201-2015 also adds a third option, which allows the parties to choose an ALTA/ACSM Survey. An ALTA/ASCM Survey is a boundary survey that is conducted in accordance with the American Land Title Association/American Congress on Surveying and Mapping Standards, which is commonly used in real estate transactions.

§ 2.1.6 (formerly § 3.7) North American Vertical Datum of 1988 was added to the list of vertical datums the parties can select. (formerly § 3.1) Language was added to state that imperial units are the default units of measurement if no selection is made and to clarify that, if metric units are selected, imperial units used in all other sections of the Agreement should be expressed as appropriate metric units. The term imperial units refer to units of measurement commonly used in the United States of America, which are also known as U.S. customary units.

§ 2.1.8 (formerly § 3.8) Due to increased use of digital technology in surveying, language was added to specify the medium and format in which the Surveyor is required to provide the survey drawings to the Owner. C201-2015 requires the Surveyor to provide the survey drawings in the original medium and format in which they were created, which is often digital. The Surveyor is also required to provide the survey drawings in the medium and format requested by the Owner and as required by the jurisdiction in which the Project is located.

§ 2.2 Boundary Survey and ALTA/ACSM Survey Requirements (formerly Article 4) G601-1994 contained a list of Boundary Survey requirements with a checkbox next to each requirement. C201-2015 contains a similar list, but does not require the users to select each requirement individually. The C201-2015 list of requirements is also updated and expanded.

§ 2.2.14 (no former section) Language was added to require the Surveyor to note if the property, or a portion thereof, is designated as a wetland by the National Wetlands Inventory. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) is a program that was established by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) in 1974 to conduct a nationwide inventory of United States wetlands.

§ 2.3 Topographical Survey Requirements (formerly Article 5) G601-1994 contained a list of Topographical Survey requirements with a checkbox next to each requirement. C201-2015 contains a similar list of requirements, but does not require the users to select each requirement individually. The C201-2015 list of requirements is also updated and expanded.

§ 2.3.8 (formerly § 5.7) Language was added to require the Surveyor to identify the operating authority for each utility shown on the survey and the source of utility-related information provided.

§ 2.3.10 (formerly § 5.9) Language was added to clarify that flood plains and flood levels shown on the survey should be determined from the current applicable FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map.

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