Instructions: B207™–2017, Standard Form of Architect’s Services for On-Site Project Representation



AIA Document B207–2017 establishes the architect’s scope of services when the architect provides an on-site project representative during a project’s construction phase. B207 provides for agreement on the number of architect’s representatives to be stationed at the project site, a schedule for the on-site representation, and the services that the on-site representative will perform. 

The on-site representative’s services include attending job-site meetings, monitoring the contractor’s construction schedule, observing systems and equipment testing, preparing a log of activities at the site, and maintaining on-site records. The owner will provide an on-site office for the architect’s on-site representative. B207 is a scope of services document only and may not be used as a stand-alone owner/architect agreement. For all document details and a record of changes, see the summary  »


Using B207–2017.

Cover Page

Project. Describe the Project by including (1) the official name or title of the facility, and (2) the location or address, if known. 

Parties. State the names and addresses of the parties exactly as they are identified in the Owner-Architect agreement into which this scope of services document is incorporated, or to which it provides the scope of services for an amendment. 

Article 1 – Initial Information

Initial Information is an important aspect of this document. It allows the parties to commit expectations about the On-Site Project Representation Services to writing. The parties should complete this Article as thoroughly as possible. 

Article 2 – On-Site Project Representation Services

§ 2.1 Identify the On-Site Representative(s) the Architect will provide and their contact information. 

§ 2.3 Insert the schedule for the On-Site Representative(s) to be at the site. 

§ 2.4 Identify the Architect’s Construction Phase Services the On-Site Project Representatives does not have authority to perform, such as “execute Change Orders” or “approve substitutions to the drawings and specifications”. 

§ 2.6 Identify meetings the On-Site Project Representative(s) is required to attend and include requirements, if any, for documentation of such meetings. 

§ 4.1 Identify furnishings and office equipment the Owner will provide for the On-Site Project Representative(s) at the site.



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