FAQs: Interiors Family of Documents

AIA Contract Documents now offers two contracts that can be used to purchase FF&E – (1) A151-2019, Owner/Vendor Agreement and (2) A152-2019, Purchase Order. A151 is intended for scenarios where the vendor will provide a variety, or perhaps even all, of the FF&E for a project. In A151, the vendor not only sells and delivers the FF&E, it also is responsible for onsite work such as locating, assembling, and installing the FF&E. Due to this, A151 requires the vendor to coordinate its work with the work of others performing work on the project, while the owner has reciprocal obligations to provide the vendor with access to the project, storage space, and areas to perform the work.  

The A152-2019, Purchase Order is a simpler contract for a simpler transaction. A152 should be used in situations where the vendor is not performing on-site work and is only obligated to sell the FF&E and deliver it to the site. A152 is a highly flexible document that allows the owner and vendor (referred to as the purchaser and seller) to insert their own payment terms and delivery requirements. A152 can also be used to purchase other goods for the project beyond FF&E. A152 will be available in the fall of 2019.

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