Instructions for B254-2019, Standard Form of Architect’s Services for Purchasing Agent Services for Furniture, Furnishings, and Equipment (FF&E) outlines the Architect’s scope of services for assisting an Owner in purchasing FF&E and managing FF&E contracts. It must be used with an owner/architect agreement and is not a stand-alone document.
AIA Document B254–2019 is a scope of services document that should be used in situations where an Architect is expected to assist an Owner in purchasing furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E) and managing FF&E contracts.
B254 can be attached to any Owner/Architect agreement in which the Architect performs FF&E design and selection services, such as AIA Document B152™–2019, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Interior Design and Furniture, Furnishings, and Equipment (FF&E) Design Services. B254 is not a stand-alone document and should not be used by itself. B254 establishes an agency relationship that allows the Architect to enter into contracts for FF&E on behalf of the Owner.
For all document details and a record of changes, see the summary »
Using B254–2019.
Cover Page
Project. Describe the Project by including (1) the official name or title of the facility, and (2) the location or address, if known.
Parties. State the names and addresses of the parties exactly as they are identified in the Owner-Architect agreement into which this scope of services document is incorporated, or to which it provides the scope of services for an amendment.
Article 1 – Architect
§ 1.1.3 The Architect should check with its professional liability insurance provider to determine whether the Architect’s policy will insure the Purchasing Agent Services described in this document. A professional liability policy will often insure such services if they are done in conjunction with the Architect’s underlying FF&E design and selection services. However, if the Architect does not perform FF&E design and selection services on the Project, its professional liability policy will likely not cover the Purchasing Agent Services included in this document. Therefore, the Architect should always use B254 in conjunction with an Owner/Architect Agreement in which the Architect performs FF&E design and selection services.
§ 1.3.1 To the extent known, insert a list or reference an exhibit, that contains descriptions, prices, and quantities of FF&E that the Architect will purchase on behalf of the Owner.
§ 1.3.4 The AIA publishes two documents that the Architect can use as the basis of contracts executed on behalf of the Owner with Vendors – (1) AIA Documents A151-2019, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Vendor for Furniture, Furnishings, and Equipment (FF&E) and (2) A152-2019, Purchase Order. The Architect must make reasonable attempts to use these documents as the basis of contracts between the Owner and Vendors.
Article 3 – Compensation
§ 3.1 Insert the amount of, or method of determining, the Architect’s compensation for performance of the Purchasing Agent Services.
§ 3.2 Insert the amount of, or method of determining, the Architect’s compensation for Additional Services, including those identified in Sections 1.3.6 and 1.3.7.
Article 4 – Special Terms and Conditions
§ 4.1 Insert any special terms or conditions that modify the Standard Form of Architect’s Services.
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