AIA Document B102—2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect without a Predefined Scope of Architect’s Services, includes a number of changes, the majority of which were made to correspond to changes made in the terms and conditions portions of B101—2017.
There is, however, one change unique to B102—2017. A provision was added allowing the parties to indicate a date certain upon which the Agreement will terminate.
Because B102—2017 does not include a default scope of services and may not include achievement of “Substantial Completion,” B102—2017 does not make use of one-year from Substantial Completion as the termination date, which is the case in B101—2017.
Instead, the parties must check the box based on what fits best with their unique scope of services. The parties can choose one-year from the commencement of the agreement, one-year from Substantial Completion or insert some other mutually agreeable termination date.