Instructions: A295™–2008, General Conditions of the Contract for Integrated Project Delivery


Instructions for A295–2008, General Conditions of the Contract for Integrated Project Delivery outlines the terms and conditions for AIA Documents A195™–2008 and B195™–2008. It establishes the duties and collaboration methods for the owner, architect, and contractor through all project phases, including conceptualization, design, construction, and closeout. It requires Building Information Modeling (BIM) and emphasizes coordination for a seamless project delivery. The document also addresses cost estimation and the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) process.



AIA Document A295–2008, provides the terms and conditions for AIA Documents A195™–2008, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for Integrated Project Delivery, and B195™–2008, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Integrated Project Delivery, both of which incorporate AIA Document A295–2008 by reference. Those agreements provide primarily only business terms and rely upon A295–2008 for the architect’s services, the contractor’s pre-construction services, and the conditions of construction. A295 not only establishes the duties of the owner, architect and contractor, but also sets forth in detail how they will work together through each phase of the project: conceptualization, criteria design, detailed design, implementation documents, construction, and closeout. A295 requires that the parties utilize building information modeling. For all document details and a record of changes, see the summary » 


Using A295–2008.

Cover Page

Project. The Project should be identified with the same name and location or address as set forth in the Owner Architect and Owner-Contractor agreements.

Owner. The Owner should be identified using the same legal name and the address as set forth in the Owner-Architect and Owner-Contractor agreement.

Architect. Similarly, the Architect should be identified using the same legal name and the address as set forth in the Owner-Architect and Owner-Contractor agreement.

Contractor. Similarly, the Contractor should be identified using the same legal name and the address as set forth in the Owner-Architect and Owner-Contractor agreement.

Article 1 –  General Provisions

§ 1.2 Initial Information. Initial Information is provided in Section 1.2. The parties should take care to be as explicit and detailed as possible with respect to the relevant Initial Information.

Article 5 –  Conceptualization Phase

The Architect and the Contractor meet with the Owner and provide a preliminary evaluation of the Owner’s program and budget requirements during the Conceptualization Phase. The Architect provides a schedule for its services and the Contractor prepares a Project Schedule that it will periodically update throughout the Project.

Article 6  – Criteria Design Phase

During the Criteria Design Phase, the Architect, in consultation with the Contractor, prepares Criteria Design Documents for the Owner’s review and approval. The Contractor, based on the Architect’s Criteria Design Documents, prepares an estimate of the total cost to the Owner to construct all elements of the Project.

Article 7 –  Detailed Design Phase

The Architect develops the Detailed Design Documents from the approved Criteria Design Documents. Prior to conclusion of the Detailed Design Phase, the Contractor provides an update to its previous estimates. At the completion of the Detailed Design Phase, the Architect submits Detailed Design Documents that are consistent with the Owner’s Budget for the Work. Thereafter, the Contractor and Owner negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price. The negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price is set forth in an amendment to the Owner-Contractor Agreement. Upon acceptance of the Guaranteed Maximum Price, the Detailed Design Documents become part of the GMP Documents. The Contractor is required to construct the Project in accordance with the GMP Documents.

Article 8  – Implementation Documents Phase

During the Implementation Documents Phase, the Architect and Contractor further develop the GMP documents in order to provide the detail and quality levels of materials, systems and other requirements for construction of the Project. The Implementation Documents incorporate shop drawings and become part of the GMP Documents at the conclusion of the Implementation Documents Phase.

Article 9 –  Construction Phase

During the Construction Phase, the Contractor constructs the Project in accordance with the GMP documents and the Architect provides construction administration services.

Article 10 –  Closeout Phase

During the Closeout Phase, the Architect, Contractor and Owner perform activities associated with Substantial Completion, Final Completion, Final Payment and other post-construction requirements.



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