Summary: E234™–2019, Sustainable Projects Exhibit, Construction Manager as Constructor Edition (CMc)


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AIA Document E234–2019, Sustainable Projects Exhibit, Construction Manager as Constructor Edition, has been developed for use on sustainable projects when there is a construction manager as constructor as a project participant. E234–2019 is based on E204™-2017 but it has been tailored to address the risks, responsibilities, and opportunities unique to projects involving substantial elements of sustainable design and construction when there is a construction manager involved in the preconstruction phase and also performing the construction. E234–2019 is not a stand-alone document but is intended to be attached as an exhibit to an existing AIA construction management as constructor agreement on a project that includes a Sustainable Objective. E234–2019 is intended to replace the Sustainable Projects documents included in the Construction Manager as Constructor family of AIA Contract Documents. For use and execution of a document, see its instructions »



AIA Document E234–2019, Sustainable Projects Exhibit, Construction Manager as Constructor Edition, addresses the risks, responsibilities, and opportunities unique to projects involving substantial elements of sustainable design and construction (sustainable projects) in situations when there is a construction manager as constructor as a project participant. AIA Document E234–2019 is not a stand-alone document but is intended to be attached as an exhibit to an existing AIA construction manager as constructor agreement on a project that includes a Sustainable Objective. E234–2019 is intended to replace the Sustainable Projects documents included in the Construction Manager as Constructor family of AIA Contract Documents.

AIA Document E234–2019 has been developed for use on a wide variety of sustainable projects, including those in which the Sustainable Objective includes obtaining a Sustainability Certification, such as LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), or those in which the Sustainable Objective is based on incorporation of performance-based sustainable design or construction elements. Furthermore, as new “green” codes are developed, the process outlined in the Sustainable Projects Exhibit will help Project participants navigate the requirements of code compliance. 

AIA Document E234–2019 relies on a number of processes that are unique to sustainable projects. Key among those concepts is the development of a Sustainability Plan through a Sustainability Workshop. E234–2019 requires the Architect to meet with the Owner and Construction Manager to discuss the sustainable design features of the Project during a Sustainability Workshop. The ultimate outcome of the Sustainability Workshop is the development of a Sustainability Plan that outlines Sustainable Measures necessary to achieve the Sustainable Objective and allocates responsibility for each of the Sustainable Measures to the Project participant in the best position to perform the Sustainable Measure. In addition, the Sustainability Plan includes other critical information such as the testing and implementation strategies necessary to achieve the Sustainable Objective. The requirements of the Sustainability Plan, with input from the Construction Manager and with the Owner’s approval, will be further developed as the design for the Project progresses and will, as appropriate, be incorporated into the Construction Documents.

The Sustainability Plan is specifically identified as a Contract Document. This is of critical importance to the Construction Manager. The Construction Manager is responsible for performing those Sustainable Measures assigned to the Construction Manager by the Sustainability Plan. It is important that the Construction Manager review the Sustainability Plan and understand its requirements. While E234–2019 states that the Construction Manager does not guarantee achievement of the Sustainable Objective, the Construction Manager will be responsible for failure to perform in accordance with the Contract Documents, including the Sustainability Plan.


This document is intended for use as an exhibit to the AIA Construction Manager as Constructor family of AIA Contract Documents. For a more detailed discussion on the issues relevant to sustainable projects, please consult the AIA Document D503, Guide for Sustainable Projects, which can be downloaded free of charge.


Changes from the previous edition.

AIA Document E234–2019 is intended to update and replace the Sustainable Projects documents included in the Construction Manager as Constructor family of AIA Contract Documents.

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