FAQs: Related Documents to A134™–2019 (CMc)



AIA Document A134™–2019 (CMc) uses AIA Document A201®–2017 as its general conditions. The subcontractor agreement is AIA Document A401™–2017, with "Contractor" replaced by "Construction Manager." AIA Document G701™–2017, Change Order, can amend A134™–2019 with similar substitutions. For bonds, AIA Document A312™–2010, Performance Bond and Payment Bond, is used by substituting "Contractor" with "Construction Manager."

AIA Document A201®–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction.


Which Subcontractor agreement may be used with A134–2019?

Use AIA Document A401™–2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Contractor and Subcontractor, by substituting references to the “Contractor” with “Construction Manager”


Does the AIA publish an amendment form to use with A134–2019?

Yes. AIA Document G701™–2017, Change Order, may typically be used for modifying or amending A133 during construction. References in G701 to “Contractor” should be substituted with “Construction Manager.”

Note: In AIA Contract Documents software, the only way to substitute the title of a party in G701 is to add an explanatory note in one of the fill points or in the User Notes.


Does the AIA publish a bond form specifically tailored for CMc projects?

No. However, AIA Document A312™–2010, Performance Bond and Payment Bond may be used for this purpose by substituting references to “Contractor” with “Construction Manager”.

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