Instructions: G205™–2022, Abbreviated Model Element Table


Instructions for G205–2022, Abbreviated Model Element Table, is a tool for selecting Levels of Development (LODs) for model elements at project milestones. It helps project participants track the development of model elements in BIM projects. This document provides an Excel-based table, including elements categorized by CSI UniFormat™ and defines responsibilities for authors of each model element. The document simplifies BIM implementation with customizable phases and abbreviations, streamlining the construction process.


Download G205-2022 Abbreviated Model Element Table


AIA Document G205™–2022 is an abbreviated Model Element Table in which the Project Participants select Levels of Development (LODs) that are assigned to Model Elements at various Project milestones. Using LOD designations, Model Authors can convey the specificity and exactness of their Model Elements and, in turn, other Project Participants with access to the Model can determine an appropriate amount of reliance on those elements. G205-2022 is offered in Excel to provide Project Participants with greater functionality. The document is intended to be maintained independently of the online service and cannot be finalized.

For all document details, see the summary »

Changes from the Previous Version. 

AIA Document G205-2022 is the indirect successor document to G202–2013 with many changes, as explained below and in the Digital Practice Documents Guide

Completing G205–2022.

Both the G204-2022 and G205-2022 contain four tabs in a single excel-based file: “Cover Page and legal clauses,” “Model Element Table,” “Abbreviations,” and “Notes.”

G204-2022 and G205-2022 Model Element Tables

One of the biggest changes to the AIA’s Digital Documents family in 2022 is the addition G204-2022 and G205-2022 Model Element Tables. Specifically, AIA Contract Documents now offers two, independent model element tables, which are suited to two different levels of BIM implementation and familiarity. Additionally, both model element tables are now offered as excel documents, rather than word tables.

Below is a quick reference to the AIA’s model element tables:


  1. Model Element list: A list of model elements, usually ordered by an established element classification system, e.g., UniFormat™. The amount of detail required for a project can be adjusted by selecting the desired level of a classification system or pre-selecting a set of elements. Items not required to be modelled can be indicated by an abbreviation such as ‘NM’ (non-modelled) or ‘NR’ (not required) or ‘NA’ (not applicable).
  2. LOD value cells: Cells for entering LOD values (100, 200, 300, etc..) for each model element are broken down based on the various project milestones.
  3. Model Element Authors (MEA) cells: Cells for indicating the MEA responsible for developing each model element to the required LOD. Tables, like the AIA G204-2022 model element shown here, show the MEA for every model element at each LOD. On the basis that many model elements have the same MEA for most phases of a project, some tables consolidate this information in a single column. In this instance, if a model element is shared between more than one MEA, all are listed in the one cell. Where responsibility shifts from one MEA to another, the row for the element is duplicated and the MEA responsible for each LOD value entered against that value. 
  4. Notes: Cells for explanatory comments or qualifying remarks for an entire category or similar. 
  5. Project milestones headings: Cells for entering nominated project milestones. Cross-references the LOD for each model element to each nominated project milestone. These milestones could be based on the design phases, or progress reviews, or how the model is to be divided, phased construction, etc.

Tab 1: Cover Page and legal clauses 

This first tab of G204-2022 and G205-2022 looks similar to other documents within the AIA library and should be completed in a similar manner.

MODEL ELEMENT TABLE DATE. In this section, parties should insert the date of the most recent version of the model element table. In the next fill point, the parties should insert the name and location or address of the project.

BIM Execution Plan Name. In this section, parties should identify – by date and full title – the BIM Execution Plan into which the model element table is incorporated. In the next fill point, the parties should identify the version number or date of the most recent BIM Execution Plan, as that document may change throughout the project.

Exhibit Name. In this section, parties should identify – by date and full title – the BIM and digital data exhibit into which the BIM Execution Plan is incorporated. Since this exhibit is part of the agreement between the parties, it is not intended to change throughout the project without a contract modification, so no version identification is necessary.

ARTICLE 1 LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT. Article 1 provides that the LOD definitions are set forth in the exhibit. It is critical that all project participants have a uniform understanding and agreement as to the various LOD definitions. Accordingly, the LOD definitions are set forth in the exhibit, which is attached to the project agreements.

ARTICLE 2 MODEL ELEMENT TABLE. This section sets forth how the remaining tabs (explained below) are intended to be used together to form a cohesive model element table.

Tab 2: Model Element Table

The second tab of G205-2022 contains a complete model element table, using the CSI UniFormat™ nomenclature for categorization of model elements. Note that for all of the “project milestones” at the heading of the table the parties can modify the name of the milestone to fit their project needs and can add or delete project phases. For the purposes of this Guide, however, they will be referred to as indicated in the standard model element table language. For each model element row, parties should perform the following actions:

Step 1: (Column G) Indicate whether that particular model element will be modeled. Per the instructions in cell A5, if a modeled cell is left blank, the element in that row will not be included in a model portion.

Step 2: (Column H) Indicate the LOD to which the model element will be modeled for project milestone 1.

Step 3: (Column I) Using the abbreviations set forth in Tab 3, indicate the abbreviated name of the model author who will be tasked with modeling the model element for milestone 1. This selection is made by way of a “drop down,” so the information contained in Tab 3 (“Abbreviations”) must be completed first so that the drop down will include the necessary selection.

Step 4: (Column J) Using the notes set forth in Tab 4, indicate if any notes apply to that model element. This selection is made by way of a “drop down,” so the information contained in Tab 4 (“Notes”) must be completed first so that the drop down will include the necessary selection.

Step 5: Complete steps 2 through 4 for each project milestone.

Project Phases. In G205-2022, the number of phases included in the standard table is reduced from six to three, and those phases are named, rather than just being listed as “project phase 1,” etc. Specifically, the three phases included in the standard language are Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents.

Second, the number of model elements included in the table (again using CSI UniFormat™ nomenclature) has been reduced. The method for reducing the number of model elements is explained below.

The G204-2022 includes a full listing of every model element at all 4 “levels” of the CSI UniFormat™ nomenclature:


G205-2022, on the other hand, only includes the first 3 “levels” of the CSI UniFormat™ nomenclature:


This method for abbreviating the model element table is intended to make the table simpler to complete, but it may mean that parties have to select a single LOD for a “Level 3” model element category when, in reality, different model elements within that “Level 3” category may have different LODs. In this case, the parties can add rows to accommodate for this level of specificity.


Tab 3: Abbreviations. In the third tab of G205-2022, parties complete list of all model element authors and their corresponding abbreviations. For example, parties can abbreviate the architect as “A” and the contractor as “C” or the parties can abbreviate the various model authors using an abbreviation of their firm names, such as “JA” for Jones Architects, LLC and “SC” for Smitch Contractors, Inc. Once this table is completed, the abbreviations will appear in the “drop-down” list in Column I of the model element table (Tab 2).

Tab 4: Notes. In the fourth tab of G205-2022, the parties can insert any notes applicable to their model elements. The numbers to be used for corresponding notes are pre-filled into the table (up to 50), and those numbers already appear in the “drop-down” list in Column J of the model element table (Tab 2). 


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