Instructions: G744™–2014, Acknowledgement of Substantial Completion of a Design-Build Project



Because of the nature of design-build contracting, the project owner assumes many of the construction contract administration duties performed by the architect in a traditional project. Because there is not an architect to certify substantial completion, AIA Document G744–2014 requires the owner to inspect the project to determine whether the work is substantially complete in accordance with the design-build documents and to identify the date when it occurs. AIA Document G744–2014 is a variation of AIA Document G704® and provides a standard form for the owner to certify the date of substantial completion. For all document details and a record of changes, see the summary »


Completing G744–2014.

Each In the space provided, insert a detailed description of the Project or portion(s) of the Project that the Owner has accepted as being substantially complete.

Determine Work to be completed:

1) Provide and attach a list of items that are to be completed or corrected.

2) Determine and insert the date the Design-Builder will complete or correct the Work.

3) Establish and provide a cost estimate of the listed defective or incomplete Work.


Executing the document.

AIA Document G744–2014 should be executed in not less than triplicate by the Owner and Design-Builder, each of whom retains an original.

The Owner’s representative executing this document must be legally empowered to authorize additional funds, and the amount of the proposed changes must not exceed the representative’s monetary authorization.

Upon receipt of the Change Directive, the Design-Builder shall promptly proceed with the changes directed, unless the Design-Builder concludes that the applicable building codes or other regulatory requirements, including those related to health, safety, and welfare, preclude implementation of the change(s). If the proposed method of adjustment is acceptable, the Design-Builder informs the Owner, and the method of adjustment selected shall be used in determining future applications for payment. If the proposed method of adjustment is not acceptable, the Design-Builder shall inform the Owner. In such event, the method of the adjustment will automatically become that designated in A141–2014, Section 6.3.7.

The Owner should prepare a Change Order for execution by the Owner and Design-Builder for the change in the Work directed by the Change Directive when

(a)  the Design-Builder agrees to the proposed adjustment of the Contract Sum and Contract Time upon receipt of the Change Directive, and

(b)  the Design-Builder and Owner agree to the determination of the change in Contract Sum pursuant to A141–2014, Section 6.3.7, and Contract Time pursuant to A14–2014, Section 6.3.10.

If, following the Owner’s determination, no agreement is reached, the matter shall become a Claim.

Copies of the document should be distributed to the Owner and interested parties selected from the distribution list at the top right of the document.



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Reproductions. This document is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of the AIA. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce this document. For more information, see the document footer and the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service.

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