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FAQs: Documents and services not offered by AIA Contract Documents


This article outlines the various documents and services that AIA Contract Documents does not offer, including bonds, incorporation forms, office management tools, building codes, and certain legal agreements. It also clarifies that AIA does not provide forms for construction estimating, product substitution, or contractor/subcontractor bids, among other specific contract-related services.


Bonds for bid, performance, or payment 

The AIA does not issue bonds or serve as a surety. However, it publishes the following forms that may be used to issue bonds:

A310™–2010 Bid Bond

A312™–2010 Performance Bond and Payment Bond

A313™–2020 Warranty Bond


Licensing of architects –

Licensing requirements are determined by each state or other jurisdiction. Further information is available on the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.


Incorporation forms – 

No, AIA Contract Documents does not publish documents for the incorporation or formation of business or professional entities.


Office management or accounting forms –

No, AIA Contract Documents does not publish software or forms for office management or accounting.


Design and construction law by state or jurisdiction –

AIA Contract Documents are not tailored to the law of any particular state or jurisdiction, furthermore, instructions on how to modify AIA Contract Documents to conform to the requirements of particular states or jurisdictions are not published.


Building codes –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish building codes. Contact the building permit authority in the government jurisdiction where the project is located.


CAD standards –

Visit the United States National CAD Standard (NCS) for more information.


Confidentiality agreements –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a separate confidentiality agreement. Where appropriate, agreements contain confidentiality provisions.


Documents in foreign languages or braille –

No, AIA Contract Documents are published only in English. They are not published in braille. Translation services are not offered.


Projects not involving an Architect –

All Owner/Contractor agreements published by AIA Contract Documents contain provisions for an Architect’s services.


Construction agreements with tenants –

In any Owner/Contractor agreement published by the AIA, the party designated as the “Owner” may be the tenant or lessee of the property. The AIA does not publish a form of the agreement specifically tailored for use by a lessee. When a lessee is contracting for tenant improvements, AIA Contract Documents should be edited to provide for any necessary approvals or other involvement by the property’s owner of record.


Specifications and project manuals –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish project manuals, which typically contain a project’s bidding requirements, sample forms, conditions of the contract, and specifications. For producing specifications your way, visit AIA’s MasterSpec®.


Prequalification of contractors or subcontractors –

AIA Contract Documents does not evaluate contractors.


Construction cost estimating –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish any construction cost estimating forms or software.


Product substitution form –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a form for a Contractor or Subcontractor to submit a request to substitute products.


Contractor or Subcontractor bid forms –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish any type of form on which bidders submit their bids.


Notice to proceed –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a Notice to Proceed form.


Contractor’s work changes proposal forms –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a work changes proposal form or other forms to be used by a Contractor to request a Change Order or in response to G709™–2018, Proposal Request.


Architect’s invoice forms or application for payment –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish invoices or applications for payment by Architects or Consultants for professional design services.


Property lien form –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a property lien form.


Stop-work order –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a stop-work order.


Forms to terminate a contract –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish any documents to terminate a contract.


Assignment of a contract or assignment of rights forms –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish any forms for assignment.


Indemnification or “hold harmless” agreement –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish an indemnity or “hold harmless” agreement. Although some agreements provide that one party will indemnify another party or for mutual indemnification, we do not publish a form specifically for this purpose.


Inspection or punch list forms –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a form to be used for inspection of work or a punch list.


Certificate of occupancy form –

AIA Contract Documents does not publish a Certificate of Occupancy form. Typically, a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the governmental authority in charge of buildings.

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