Completing Document on Demand Forms

AIA Documents on Demand is a web-based service that allows users with a computer and an internet connection to access more than 170 of the most popular AIA Contract Documents anytime, anywhere. Click here to visit the Documents on Demand site.


What is the difference between Documents on Demand and Documents on Demand Plus?

Documents on Demand Plus  allows users to edit the legal language of a document, unlike Documents on Demand, where you are only allowed to complete some fill points but are not able to edit the legal language. Other benefits of Documents on Demand Plus are:

  • Manage projects in the AIA Contract Documents online service
  • Share and track edits for review
  • Create a custom clause library and custom templates
  • Variance check the edited document against the standard document


Completing Documents on Demand

To complete Documents on Demand, you are prompted to complete a series of data fields that are inserted into your final document.


Data fields

AIA Documents on Demand forms have only two types of data fields: text boxes and check boxes. To display data
fields, click Highlight Fields in the upper right-hand corner of the document window. Use the
mouse or press the tab key to move from field to field. To select a check box, press the spacebar or click the left
mouse button. Clear a check box also by pressing the spacebar or clicking the left mouse button.


Data options

A few AIA Contract Documents provide options for data fields. For example, AIA Document G714™–2007,
Construction Change Directive: If the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum price is adjusted by a Lump Sum, users
must specify whether the adjustment is an increase or decrease of the original amount. Users must also specify whether the Contract Time will be adjusted or remain the same.

On AIA Documents on Demand® forms, data options are presented by tool tips. Point to data fields to display tool
tips, and then type the appropriate data option to complete the form.


NOTE: Tool tips appear only for fields where data options are provided by AIA Contract Documents.


Rich text formatting

You can underline text or style text in bold, italic, subscript or superscript in any data field that allows more than one
line of text. To apply rich text formatting, (1) point to and select the text to restyle, (2) click the right mouse button,
and then (3) on the shortcut menu that appears, choose Text Style and a text style option: Bold, Italic, Underline,
Subscript or Superscript.

NOTE: The Clear Formatting option on the Text Style shortcut menu restores text to the normal font (Times New
Roman 10 on most forms).


Completing forms with Adobe Reader

Users who complete AIA Documents on Demand® forms with Adobe Reader can print, but cannot save data. Some AIA Contract Documents have large numbers of data fields. Without data saving capabilities, users of Adobe Reader may have difficulty completing large forms in a single session.

Adobe Reader users may want to consider completing introductory sections of a large form with Adobe Reader, and then printing and finishing the form in longhand.

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